Let's take the gloves off, shall we?
OK Ladies and Gents... it appears our favorite public school teacher has chosen to ignore the second letter I sent expressing my concern about a ridiculous comment he made to his class.
Bottom line, he stated to a roomful of 25 third-graders that parents who stay at home to care for children and babies don't really have a job (brought to my attention by my son, and confirmed by another student in the class in an independent parents' poll taken on the tennis court).
I expressed my concerns attempting to give him an opportunity to correct his statement and/or offer an appropriately worded apology. Instead I received a very long explanation of what they were studying and an invitation to appear in the class myself to tell the kids why being a caregiver of children is important to the community. It basically amounted to the most lousy excuse for bad behavior I've ever seen.
I sent a second letter pretty much asking for the apology outright (in case he STILL didn't get my point), and an entire week has gone by. I've received no response, no note, no phone call, nothing.
(For transcripts of the letters...mine and his, please read my previous 3 posts beginning with "Public School Teachers...Sheesh!" and ending with "Last Chance Leon".)
SO...while the name had previously been changed slightly to protect the allegedly guilty party...I am now offering his email address to anyone who wishes to express his/her thoughts regarding the comment that "a stay-at-home parent doesn't really have a job".
Feel free to pass it on to any other stay-at-home parents (or working parents) who would like to express their appreciation for such attitudes that pervade our public school systems and affect how our children view what is or is not a culturally acceptable occupation.
What's that scripture???
"You reap what you sow."
Let the sowing begin...
Editor's note: So after careful reflection, I've decided to "unpublish" his email address. 24 hours was plenty of time for my point to be made. It took the loving "unsupport" of a true friend to remind me of the kind of person I want to be even in my anger and frustration.
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